[027] FlowField Pathfinding v2

[25h] Wall Avoidance using Rect2 & Geometry

[Mar 18] 5h - FlowField Pathfinding Review
[Mar 19] 7h - Diagonal Blocks / Corner Directions
[Mar 20] 6h - Wall Avoidance
[Mar 21] 7h - Wall Avoidance Fixed

- Units will now completely avoid walls in it's pathfinding
- Diagonal Walls now blocks completely in FlowField calculation

- Tilemap Corner Collision causing stuck units
- Units being pushed into another tile causes stuck units
    > stuck detection (same position for 0.1s) and solution (refreshes collision)

- Kernel Convolusion creates direction loops
- but skipping walls in the calculation fixes this (TODO: not fully)

_sub_position = position
for _wall in _wall_array:
    if _sub_position.x < _wall.position.x || _sub_position.y < _wall.position.y \
    || _sub_position.x > _wall.end.x || _sub_position.y > _wall.end.y:      # outside wall
        _wall_near = _sub_position.clamp(_wall.position, _wall.end)
        _wall_distance = _sub_position.distance_to(_wall_near)              # always positive outside
        _wall_overlap = _radius - _wall_distance
        if _wall_overlap > 0:                                               # 0 = circle is right at edge
            _wall_direction = _sub_position.direction_to(_wall_near)        # + = circle inside rect
            _sub_position -= _wall_direction * _wall_overlap                # - = circle outside rect
        _wall_near = _rectangle_closest_point(_wall, _sub_position)         # inside wall
        if _sub_position != _wall_near:                                     # push out wall
            _wall_direction = _sub_position.direction_to(_wall_near)
        else:                                                               # circle at rect border
            _wall_direction = _sub_position.direction_to(_wall.get_center()) * -1 # avoid (0, 0)
        _sub_position = _wall_near + (_wall_direction * _radius)
Made withGodot

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