[033] Wall of Shaders

[30h] Using Shaders the Way they are Designed for

A1 - Base
A2 - Pixelate            - godotshaders.com/shader/pixelate-2
A3 - CirclePixel         - godotshaders.com/shader/circle-pixel
A4 - Frost               - godotshaders.com/shader/screen-noise-effect-shader
A5 - Grayscale           - godotshaders.com/shader/grayscale
A6 - Invert              - godotshaders.com/shader/invert-color
A7 - ColorShift          - godotshaders.com/shader/color-shift
A8 - Rainbow             - godotshaders.com/shader/linear-rainbow

B1 - WindSway            - godotshaders.com/shader/topdown-windy-plants
B2 - Wiggle              - godotshaders.com/shader/wiggle-2d
B3 - Glitch              - godotshaders.com/shader/glitch-effect-shader
B4 - Shake               - godotshaders.com/shader/screen-shake
B5 - BoxBlur             - godotshaders.com/shader/configurable-box-blur
B6 - GaussianBlur        - godotshaders.com/shader/variable-blur-works-with-parallax-layers
B7 - RadialBlur          - godotshaders.com/shader/radical-blur-shader
B8 - RotationBlur        - godotshaders.com/shader/rotational-motion-blur-2d

C1 - Shockwave           - godotshaders.com/shader/distortion
C2 - Wobble              - godotshaders.com/shader/wobbly-effect-hand-painted-animation
C3 - Sway                - godotshaders.com/shader/2d-water-effect
C4 - Ripple              - godotshaders.com/shader/ripple-shader
C5 - Haze                - godotshaders.com/shader/disturbance-effect
C6 - Smoke               - godotshaders.com/shader/transparent-noise-border
C7 - Shine               - godotshaders.com/shader/shine
C8 - ProgressBar         - godotshaders.com/shader/sprite-progress-bar

D1 - VCR                 - godotshaders.com/shader/vcr-analog-distortions
D2 - CRT                 - godotshaders.com/shader/VHS-and-CRT-monitor-effect
D3 - CrtSimple           - godotshaders.com/shader/crt-with-variable-fisheye
D4 - TV Static           - godotshaders.com/shader/animated-tv-static-border-shader
D5 - Vignette            - godotshaders.com/shader/vignette
D6 - VHS                 - godotshaders.com/shader/vhs-glitch
D7 - ChromaticAbberation - godotshaders.com/shader/chromatic-abberation
D8 - CartridgeGlitch     - godotshaders.com/shader/2d-sprite-cartridge-tilting-glitch

E1 - LCD                 - godotshaders.com/shader/lcd-shader
E2 - SliceFade           - godotshaders.com/shader/slice-and-fade-out
E3 - Swirl               - godotshaders.com/shader/swirl-sink
E4 - Vortex              - godotshaders.com/shader/vortex-overlay
E5 - GammaCorrection     - godotshaders.com/shader/gamma-correction
E6 - Sort                - godotshaders.com/shader/pseudo-pixel-sorting-v2
E7 - Panning             - godotshaders.com/shader/panning
E8 - SineMorph           - godotshaders.com/shader/sine-morphing

F1 - ScreenDoor          - godotshaders.com/shader/dithering-screen-door-transparency
F2 - DissolvePixel       - godotshaders.com/shader/pixelate-into-view-custom-resolution
F3 - Explosion           - godotshaders.com/shader/pixel-explosion
F4 - Dissolve            - godotshaders.com/shader/simple-2d-dissolve
F5 - Burn                - godotshaders.com/shader/2d-dissolve-with-burn-edge
F6 - BurnUp              - godotshaders.com/shader/burn-sprite
F7 - Teleport            - godotshaders.com/shader/teleport-effect
F8 - Wipe                - godotshaders.com/shader/erase

[May 28] 2h - Shader Review
[May 29] 7h - Shader Organize
[May 30] 5h - Shader Search
[May 31] 9h - Shader Search
[May 01] 7h - Shader Labels

10 pages of GodotShaders
Made withGodot

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