[051] Strange Virus

[97h] Pirate Software - Game Jam 16 [2025]

# Design Document [docs.google.com/document/d/1e3E1UBL2qtZZJBaYFnkNl6WqkORNMWGNf1vO-r1IyEQ]

# WARNING: sound is too loud (forgot due to sleep deprivation)
# dying is part of the game (no way to avoid damage)
# collect orbs for upgrades, use upgrades to kill more enemies
# all feedback are welcome, thank you for playing!

[Jan 18] 10h - Design Document
[Jan 19] 10h - Strange Virus + Flocking
[Jan 20] 01h - SetGet Benchmark
[Jan 21] 06h - Enemy Spawner
[Jan 22] 07h - Enemy Types
[Jan 23] 05h - Health UI
[Jan 24] 04h - More UI
[Jan 25] 06h - Upgrades Menu
[Jan 26] 03h - Point Orbs
[Jan 27] 09h - Start and Death
[Jan 28] 08h - Aim Indicator
[Jan 29] 09h - More Upgrades
[Jan 30] 11h - Dash + Charge
[Jan 31] 08h - Finalization
Made withGodot


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Warning: sorry for the high sound level, forgot that my computer was at 50% volume while programming. Need some sleep.